Dynamek Blog

  1. Coronavirus update

    Coronavirus Client Update

    We hope all our Dynamek clients are keeping safe, sane(!) and healthy in these troubling times. We are happy to say it is work… Read more

  2. 4th birthday

    It’s our 4th birthday!

    We’re celebrating this month as Dynamek was born 4 years ago when Bryony took the plunge going full time with the business. We’d like… Read more

  3. News: Server outage

    News: Server outage

    Over the weekend, our VPS server supplier – 123reg, have had some major problems with hundreds, if not thousands of servers under their control. … Read more

  4. The importance of good SEO

    The importance of good SEO

    Anybody who takes an interest in digital marketing will appreciate that search engine optimisation involves the employment of various methods for the purpose of… Read more

Let your Dynamek website do the talking.

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Our shiny new website is now live! Thanks must go to Treverbyn Parish Council for their help with the funding and to @DynamekBryony for putting it all together

Latest Blog

ssl certificate
Do you need an SSL certificate on your website?

If your website doesn’t collect sensitive data, like credit cards or social security numbers, you may not have needed an SSL certificate in the… Read more