Atlantic Shore website 2021

Atlantic Shore

After looking after Atlantic Shore’s EKMPowershop website and Social Media for the past 6 years it was becoming increasing difficult to get the most from their website and it was decided to take the plunge and move over to WordPress and WooCommerce whilst in the downtime of the Covid lockdown.  It proved to be a good time whilst the shop was closed to get organised with stock and for the owner of Atlantic Shore to learn the new system.

We gave the branding and website a good refresh which was very much needed, especially as they are now trading as just ‘Atlantic Shore’ to acknowledge that they are now selling much more than just knitwear… they are now much more!

With WordPress and WooCommerce we now have far more power to make theme and layout changes and control features and integrations such as Gift Vouchers, Special Offers, Facebook Shop, Instagram Feed etc.


  • Contact Form
  • Design
  • Ecommerce
  • Email Newsletters
  • Facebook Shop
  • PayPal Payments
  • Responsive Layouts
  • Search
  • SEO
  • Size Guides
  • Social Media
  • SSL Certificate
  • Stripe Payments
  • Website Build
  • Website Development
  • Website Rebuild
  • WooCommerce
Let your Dynamek website do the talking.

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Our shiny new website is now live! Thanks must go to Treverbyn Parish Council for their help with the funding and to @DynamekBryony for putting it all together

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Do you need an SSL certificate on your website?

If your website doesn’t collect sensitive data, like credit cards or social security numbers, you may not have needed an SSL certificate in the… Read more